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Science and technology innovation keeps vitality, chemical industry park construction enters new stage of improving quality and increasing efficiency
发表时间:2016-07-06     阅读次数:     字体:【

Since 13th Five-Year, the construction of China's Chemical Industrial Park has set off another climax and entered a new stage of improving quality and increasing efficiency. At the 2018 China Chemical Industry Park and Industrial Development Forum, Gu Xiulian, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress, made a great expectation on the chemical industry park, suggested that the park should set new goals, give full play to the pioneer work in the structural reform of the industry supply side, and help the chemical industry through scientific and technological innovation. The park will maintain vitality and vitality.

Li Shousheng, President of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, said that although China's chemical industry park has made remarkable progress, it still faces a series of outstanding problems. These problems are the short board and shortage of the current development of chemical industry park. In the present situation that the government attaches great importance to the development of chemical industry park and entrusted to the chemical park, it is an important development opportunity to speed up the development of chemical park to the higher quality of the chemical park. One is that the planning is unreasonable and the development is blind. The two is the lack of construction norms and standards, and the level of standardization needs to be improved. Three, safety and environmental protection accidents still happen. Green development has a long way to go. Four, investment in infrastructure and public works is insufficient, and intensive management efficiency still needs to be improved. Five is the park management system and mechanism is not perfect, talent training needs to be strengthened. Generally speaking, the construction level of chemical industry parks in China is not high enough, and the quality of development needs to be further improved. In the critical period of industrial transformation and upgrading, without the high quality development of Chemical Industrial Park, the high quality development of the industry will be difficult to achieve.

Li Shousheng stressed that the "13th Five-Year" period was an important period for China's transition from a big country of oil and chemical industry to a powerful country. The National Chemical Industry Park should carry out the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, open and shared, and take the supply side structural reform as the main line, increase the upgrading of industrial structure, and carry out the innovation drive in depth. Dynamic and green sustainable development strategy, continuously improve the management level, and strive to get out of a new industrialization road with high scientific and technological content, good economic benefit, low resource consumption and less environmental pollution, leading the industry to achieve greater achievements in "structure adjustment, transfer mode and benefit increase", and fully open the high oil and Chemical Industrial Park in China. The new journey of quality development. The petrochemical park should focus on the following four aspects: first, actively develop new kinetic energy and make a pioneer in upgrading the industrial structure. Two, we must build a green development ecological chain and be a leader in green and harmonious development. Three, we must constantly improve the level of management and build a demonstration area for intensive and efficient management. Four, we need to push forward the new process of high quality development and cultivate new brands of world-class parks.

According to the statistics of the working committee of the chemical industry park of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, by the end of 2017, there were 601 industrial parks in the key chemical industry parks or the leading industries of oil and chemical industry. Among them, the national level (including the economic and Technological Development Zone, high and new zone) 61, the provincial level 315, the city level 225, the output value of hundreds of billions of parks have increased to more than ten, the intensive development effect is remarkable, the industrial structure continues to optimize. In 2018, "the top 20 chemical industry parks in China" expanded to "the top 30".

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